Key Websites
Our immigration system is rooted in racism and xenophobia. It dehumanizes and defames our community members to justify detaining them and profiting off their suffering.
California Collaborative for Immigrant Justice is committed to fighting against this unjust and for-profit system by empowering folks in detention and working with them to find innovative strategies for individual and collective liberation.
For quality Know-Your-Rights materials, we encourage you to check the Immigrant Defense Project and Immigrant Legal Resource Center websites or contact your local rapid response network.
Monterey Rapid Response Network (Monterey County)
- Hotline: 831-204-8082
Santa Cruz County: Your Allied Rapid Response Network & Pajaro Valley Rapid Response
- Hotline: 831-239-4289
- Website:
San Francisco Rapid Response Network
- Hotline: 415-200-1548
- Website:
Santa Clara County Rapid Response Network
- Hotline: 408-290-1144
- Website:
Immigrants Rising
Immigration Preparedness in CA Higher Education Institutions
= Cerritos College Office of President Message
= San Mateo CCCD Undocumented Community Resources Webpage
Developing a Strong Undocumented Student Task Force on Your Campus
NILC’s (National Immigration Law Center) Factsheet: Trump’s Rescission of Protected Areas Policies
Immigrant Rights & Protections
- Attorney General’s Resources for CA Immigrant Communities
- ILRC’s (Immigrant Legal Resource Center) Red Cards
- NAKASEC’s (National Korean American Service & Education Consortium) Know Your Rights 4 Immigrants App
For questions, please contact: Madeleine Villanueva [email protected]
Monterey County, California has taken several significant steps to protect and support its immigrant population:
Welcoming County Resolution
The Monterey County Board of Supervisors unanimously passed a resolution reaffirming the county’s status as a “Welcoming County for Immigrants and Refugees.” This resolution, adopted on January 14, 2025, declares the county a place of trust and safety for immigrants
Public Education Campaign
The county has launched a comprehensive public education campaign focused on empowering residents to “Know Your Rights” under the U.S. Constitution
This initiative includes:
- Allocating $25,000 to fund public service announcements (PSAs) on radio, television, and social media to inform about immigration rights
- Printing and distributing 20,000 wallet-sized “Know Your Rights” red cards throughout the county
- Planning to hold at least four “Know Your Rights” forums across different areas of the county
Policy Changes
Monterey County has implemented several policy changes to protect immigrants:
- Prohibiting the use of county resources for federal immigration enforcement unless mandated by state or federal law or a court order.
- Removing the Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) desk from the county jail, which was previously present for two years
- Rewriting policies to comply with California’s SB54, also known as the “Sanctuary State Bill”
Support from Law Enforcement
Local law enforcement, including the Monterey County Sheriff’s Department, has pledged to support the immigrant community:
- Sheriff Steve Bernal assured the public that the department will fully comply with SB54, including not allowing ICE to have access to the jail
- Watsonville Police Chief Jorge Zamora stated that local police will not assist federal immigration authorities or seek out or detain people based solely on their immigration status
Educational Support
Monterey County Superintendent of Schools Deneen Guss emphasized that: Every child, regardless of immigration status, has the right to a free public education in a secure and supportive school environment
Schools are considered “Protected Areas” and are generally prohibited from granting access to immigration enforcement officers without a judicial warrant or court order.
Student and family privacy is safeguarded, with school officials prohibited from requesting social security numbers or inquiring about citizenship status
These measures demonstrate Monterey County’s commitment to protecting its immigrant population, which comprises 28.9% of the county’s residents, the highest percentage of immigrants in California.
Support for Undocumented Students at MPC
Dear Monterey Peninsula College Community,
At Monterey Peninsula College, our mission reflects our enduring commitment to “student access and success and to fostering an equitable, inclusive, respectful, and supportive community by providing excellent academic programs and student services that respond to the needs of our richly diverse region. We believe in the dignity and worth of every person. As a community, we strive to create an inclusive and respectful environment for all.”
Recent changes in our nation’s leadership have left many undocumented students and their families feeling fear and uncertainty. At Monterey Peninsula College, we are dedicated to protecting and supporting our undocumented students.
Many individuals and families in our communities face the challenges and uncertainties that come with mixed-status situations and the threat of deportation. Such experiences can cause profound distress and uncertainty. It is essential for us to stand together in support of undocumented students and their families during these difficult times.
We offer support and information services through the Undocumented Resource Center. Marilou Velasco, the Coordinator, can provide resources and support to undocumented students, including guidance on navigating higher education, accessing financial aid, and connecting with community services. Our State Chancellor’s Office recently shared legal guidelines reminding us that California and its Community Colleges remain Sanctuary Jurisdictions.
In addition, the Undocumented Resource Center at MPC provides students, their families, and the community with a direct connection to local advocacy groups and immigration legal services.
How can we all help?
Learn about our protocols, procedures, and resources to support undocumented students (see below).
Please share the attached “Know Your Rights” workshop flyer with students and staff.
Spread awareness about our commitment to undocumented students.
Join us in advocating for policies that protect immigrant communities.
California Community Colleges Best Practices for Supporting Undocumented Students (Per Senate Bill No. 54 & Assembly Bill 21)
Refrain from disclosing personal information concerning students, faculty, and staff. Refer any person asking for such information to the Office of the President.
Notify the Vice President of Student Services as soon as possible if an immigration officer is expected to enter or has entered the campus to execute a federal immigration order. If the Vice President of Student Services is unavailable, contact the Vice President of Administrative Services, followed by the President’s Office, in that order.
Notify the emergency contact of a student, faculty, or staff person as soon as possible if there is a reason to suspect that the person has been taken into custody as the result of an immigration enforcement action and notify the Office of the President;
Comply with a request from an immigration officer for access to nonpublic areas of the campus only upon the presentation of a judicial warrant;
Advise all students, faculty, and staff responding to or having contact with an immigration officer executing a federal immigration order to promptly refer the entity or individual to the Office of the President for purposes of verifying the legality of any warrant, court order, or subpoena;
If an undocumented student is detained, deported, or is unable to attend to their academic requirements due to the actions of an immigration officer in relation to a federal immigration order, the District shall make all reasonable efforts to assist the student in retaining any eligibility for financial aid, fellowship stipends, exemption from nonresident tuition fees, funding for research or other educational projects, housing stipends or services, or other benefits they have been awarded or received, and permit the student to be re-enrolled if and when the student can return to the college. It is the intent of the Legislature that, in implementing this paragraph, California colleges, and universities make reasonable and good-faith efforts to provide for a seamless transition in a student’s re-enrollment and reacquisition of campus services and supports.
Dr. Marshall T. Fulbright III
Northern California Rapid Response Network NCRRN Northern California Local Rapid Response Hotlines
Spanish version
Estimada comunidad de Monterey Peninsula College,
En Monterey Peninsula College, nuestra misión refleja nuestro compromiso constante con “el acceso y éxito estudiantil y con fomentar una comunidad equitativa, inclusiva, respetuosa y solidaria, proporcionando excelentes programas académicos y servicios estudiantiles que respondan a las necesidades de nuestra diversa región. Creemos en la dignidad y el valor de cada persona. Como comunidad, nos esforzamos por crear un entorno inclusivo y respetuoso para todos”.
Los recientes cambios en el liderazgo de nuestra nación han dejado a muchos estudiantes indocumentados y a sus familias sintiendo miedo e incertidumbre. En Monterey Peninsula College, estamos dedicados a proteger y apoyar a nuestros estudiantes indocumentados.
Muchas personas y familias en nuestras comunidades enfrentan los desafíos e incertidumbres asociados con situaciones de estatus migratorio mixto y la amenaza de deportación. Estas experiencias pueden causar una gran angustia e incertidumbre. Es esencial que nos mantengamos unidos para apoyar a los estudiantes indocumentados y sus familias durante estos tiempos difíciles.
Ofrecemos servicios de apoyo e información a través del Centro de Recursos para Estudiantes Indocumentados. Marilou Velasco, la coordinadora, puede proporcionar recursos y apoyo a los estudiantes indocumentados, incluyendo orientación sobre cómo navegar la educación superior, acceder a ayuda financiera y conectarse con servicios comunitarios. Nuestra Oficina del Canciller Estatal recientemente compartió pautas legales recordándonos que California y sus colegios comunitarios siguen siendo jurisdicciones santuario.
Además, el Centro de Recursos para Estudiantes Indocumentados de MPC brinda a los estudiantes, sus familias y la comunidad una conexión directa con grupos locales de defensa y servicios legales de inmigración.
¿Cómo podemos ayudar?
Infórmese sobre nuestros protocolos, procedimientos y recursos para apoyar a estudiantes indocumentados (ver abajo).
Por favor, comparta el volante adjunto del taller “Conozca Sus Derechos” con estudiantes y personal.
Ayude a difundir nuestro compromiso con los estudiantes indocumentados.
Únase a nosotros para abogar por políticas que protejan a las comunidades inmigrantes.
Mejores prácticas de los Colegios Comunitarios de California para apoyar a estudiantes indocumentados (según el Proyecto de Ley del Senado No. 54 y el Proyecto de Ley de la Asamblea No. 21):
Abstenerse de divulgar información personal de estudiantes, profesores y personal. Remita a cualquier persona que solicite dicha información a la Oficina del Presidente.
Notifique al Vicepresidente de Servicios Estudiantiles lo antes posible si se espera que un oficial de inmigración entre o ha ingresado al campus para ejecutar una orden de inmigración federal. Si el Vicepresidente de Servicios Estudiantiles no está disponible, contacte al Vicepresidente de Servicios Administrativos, seguido por la Oficina del Presidente, en ese orden.
Notifique al contacto de emergencia de un estudiante, profesor o miembro del personal lo antes posible si hay razones para sospechar que la persona ha sido detenida como resultado de una acción de cumplimiento de inmigración, y notifique a la Oficina del Presidente.
Cumpla con una solicitud de un oficial de inmigración para acceder a áreas no públicas del campus solo al presentar una orden judicial.
Informe a todos los estudiantes, profesores y personal que respondan o tengan contacto con un oficial de inmigración ejecutando una orden de inmigración federal que remitan al individuo o entidad a la Oficina del Presidente para verificar la legalidad de cualquier orden judicial, citación u orden de registro.
Si un estudiante indocumentado es detenido, deportado o no puede atender sus requisitos académicos debido a las acciones de un oficial de inmigración en relación con una orden de inmigración federal, el Distrito hará todos los esfuerzos razonables para ayudar al estudiante a conservar su elegibilidad para ayuda financiera, estipendios de becas, exención de tarifas de matrícula para no residentes, financiamiento para investigaciones u otros proyectos educativos, estipendios de vivienda o servicios, u otros beneficios que hayan sido otorgados o recibidos, y permitirá que el estudiante se vuelva a inscribir cuando pueda regresar al colegio. Es la intención de la Legislatura que, al implementar este párrafo, los colegios y universidades de California hagan esfuerzos razonables y de buena fe para proporcionar una transición sin interrupciones en la reinscripción del estudiante y la recuperación de servicios y apoyos en el campus.
Dr. Marshall T. Fulbright III
Northern California Rapid Response Network NCRRN Northern California Local Rapid Response Hotlines
CARE Community Briefings & Other Virtual Programs. Focusing on Immigration Rights – recording of briefings and additional resources