Affirmative Action/College Admissions

Sign the NAACP Petition - Diversity No Matter What!

EMERGENCY: SCOTUS Affirmative Action NAACP Briefing call. - 7/29/23

Affirmative (Re)Action Forum - USC Race and Equity Center

A growing list of Affirmative Action/College Admissions online articles

June 23rd Meeting



Over the past two years, the Poor People’s Campaign: A National Call for Moral Revival has reached out to communities in more than 30 states across this nation. The campaign targets the areas of Systemic Racism, Poverty and Inequality, Ecological Devastation, War Economy and Militarism, and National Morality.

NAACP, Monterey County is calling for representatives from local organizations to join together to implement actions that benefits the most impacted Monterey County residents.

Please plan to attend the first meeting of the Poor People’s Campaign, Monterey County Branch NAACP, at Greater Victory Temple COGIC, 1620 Broadway, Seaside on Saturday, June 23rd from 2:00-4:00PM.

Regina Mason, President
Monterey County Branch NAACP

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4/26/18 General Membership Meeting

NAACP General Membership Meeting

The Monterey County Branch of the NAACP regular monthly General Membership Meeting  at 7:00 P.M.
New Hope Baptist Church, 1304 Sonoma Ave. Seaside, CA
The meeting is free and open to the public.
Topic – FORA and Land Availability – Jobs within the City

Michael Houlemard and Seaside City Manager Malin
For information, call the NAACP office at 394-3727 or email  [email protected]
General Membership meetings are scheduled for the 4th Thursday of each month
Thursday, April 26, 2018, 7:00-9:00 PM